Mouse Match-Click

  • Enable Mouse Match-Click:You must tick the option to enable Match-Click after finished setting.It simulates mouse to move and click.
  • Page clicked is compulsively opened in the original window:Page clicked is compulsively opened in the original window,not new window.
    If used the function,Second Visit is disabled.
  • Allow for second visit to page poped up after clicked:If it will visit subpage of target page opened at random after clicked.
  • Number of Match Characteristic:Addible number of match characteristics,member user could add more.
  • Characteristic:It includes link and title,the formers shows it would click if a link included match characteristic,the latter shows it would click if a
    title included match characteristic.
    Match characteristic is part of link or title.Member user could add more type like video,etc.
  • Proportion:It shows click probability,5% means there would be five Match-Click in the one hundred visits(100 IP traffic).Member user could set
    100%,match-click for every visit.Software will find and click the link you want if you set right match characteristic.
FAQ:How to do Match-Click?
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